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Musick Mountain Fire LookoutLocated in the United States Forest Service's,Sierra National Forest, Minerets Ranger District |
Musick's GPS location is 37.1012°N / 119.1834°W |
Musick Mountain Fire Lookout is located at an elevation of 6,775 feet, on U.S. Forest Service Map T9S, R24E, S1. The lookout was originally constructed in 1912 and was a compass type lookout. It was replaced in 1924 with a cab/cabin type of tower and was non-continuous staffing. In 1939 it was replaced with the current type of tower, 20 foot, H-Beam Steel Tower with a C-3(L)Cab. The tower has not been maintained and has been deteriorating over the years. It is now used as a communications tower. |
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1995 Miami Mountain Volunteer Fire Lookouts
All Rights Reserved